Prenota@mi Italian consulate booking system


Booking an appointment at an Italian consulate is required whenever you apply for a visa to visit Italy for an extended period of time, or want to file an application for Italian citizenship by descent. The booking and application may involve unforeseen complications, and it is typical that bookings may be filled months or even years in advance. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to book your appointment for the jure sanguinis process as soon as possible.

There are 10 general Italian consulate locations in the US. Different Italian consulates in various US cities have unique methods of operating, requirements for citizenship applications and documentation, and scheduling appointments. For example, some use midnight in Italy (Central European Time or GMT +1) as the appointment release time. Others make them available at different daytime hours. Take the time to research the practices of the consulate in which you fall under the jurisdiction of when you start the scheduling process.

Italian citizenship by descent applications account for the most common reason why people in the US make appointments with the Italian consulate. The high volume of requests fills up available booking spaces very quickly. If you want to get an Italian visa for a visit or temporary relocation, you will have to compete for time with many others seeking the same thing. This also pertains to those interested in applying, renewing, or checking on their passport status.

The information provided in this article may help you streamline the process of booking an appointment at an Italian consulate. For more information specific to your local consulate, research details on the specific consulate website for specific requirements or any changes.

The Consulate Appointment Process Step-by-Step

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Every since mid 2022, the majority of Italian consulates in the United States use the Prenot@mi appointment booking system. Always check a specific location to ensure they do so before continuing. Below is the general guidelines to book your appointment, however be advised of the exceptions outlined at the bottom of this step-by-step list.

Step 1 – Sign Up for a Prenot@mi Account

The consulate booking program website offers a user-friendly account creation process. Simply click on ‘Register Your Account,’ read the Terms and Conditions, and fill in all the necessary information. This includes your full legal name, birthplace, and date, and contact information. Also, you will be required to select the Italian consulate location closest to you.

Step 2 – The Account Confirmation Process

As with most sign-up processes online, this system requires email verification to ensure the accuracy of the information you provided. Click on the link in the official confirmation email to complete this step. Be aware that you cannot change the personal information other than your address after you make the account. Review all details for accuracy before continuing as you will not be able to update or change your personal details once your account has been created.

Step 3 – Booking a Consulate Appointment

Log into your newly made and confirmed account to book an appointment. Select the link to the consulate you want to visit. Then, select the office that handles the type of service you require: citizenship, visas, or passports. Include extra notes that can help officials understand any unique factors specific to your situation. The notes section is not a place to ask questions as they will not reply to them. Instead, email the Italian consulate directly.

Please note that all people above the age of majority (18) need their own appointments for citizenship by descent services. If multiple adults who want to apply for citizenship live together, specify this in the notes section. Not all consulates combine appointments in these cases, but some do. Include personal details for everyone in the family who needs the same service and would prefer to book jointly.

Step 4 – Confirm the Appointment Booking Immediately

The Prenot@ami system will send another email with a one-time numerical code. Use this to confirm your appointment booking details as instructed.

Step 5 – Check for the Confirmation Email

A successful booking will result in a confirmation email that includes the Italian consulate location, office address, date, and time for your appointment. Plan to arrive at the consulate at least 30 minutes early to provide time for security check processes.

What Do I Do If There Are No Available Appointments?

As stated above, appointment slots fill up extremely quickly. If there are none available when you sign up, go through the account verification process anyway. Some consulate offices provide a waiting list to join. The confirmation email will include a number that signifies your spot in line. At that point, you cannot attempt to book another appointment. Instead, wait and keep checking your email inbox for a notification when booking slots are available to you. Respond immediately and go through the appointment setting process. The email should state the maximum time-frame to confirm an appointment. Contact us at 213-277-8705 if you have any questions and we can answer questions specific to your case.

Do I Need an Appointment at an Italian Consulate?

Both Italian citizens and foreign nationals who do not live in Italy need a consulate appointment for a variety of official situations. The main reasons include filing for citizenship by descent and visas for travel or temporary residence. Some consulates, such as the one in Philadelphia, PA, use Prenot@mi for citizenship by marriage applications. Others, such as the Miami office, prefer direct emails for appointments. Always check the closest consulate website for specific information related to that consulate.

People currently living in Italy without citizenship should contact the local municipal offices for information and an application for citizenship by descent or visa processing help.


Whether you want to apply for an Italian citizenship by descent, a travel visa, or passport, you will need an appointment at the Italian consulate in a major city near you. Start early as booking slots fill up quickly. Also, make sure to follow all the careful steps outlined in this article to complete the process. As regulations shift and processes change, always take the time to visit the local consulate online for updated information.

For any questions, concerns, or extra guidance, contact us as soon as possible. Our expert team at IDC can guide you through the Italian consulate appointment booking process and help with other legal matters related to applying for Italian citizenship by descent or relocation plans.

Please keep in mind that the Italian consulates reserve the right to update/change the way they handle these appointments and applications at their own discretion. So the information in the article specific to certain consulates may change and be updated frequently.