The Benefits of Having Dual Citizenship in the EU (European Union)

Dual citizenship of EU european union member state

Getting Italian citizenship comes with plenty of benefits — we have explored many of the benefits in our other articles. Furthermore, Italy is a founding member of the European Union, which by itself offers even more advantages. While there is no such thing as European citizenship, having an Italian one makes you a citizen of […]

How the Italian Healthcare System Works for Dual Citizens

Italian healthcare for dual citizens

The Italian healthcare system is one of the most effective in the world. Since its introduction in 1978, the Servizio Sanitatio Nazionale (or the Italian National Health Service) is responsible for a significant increase in the quality of life and overall living standards of Italian citizens. Along with other welfare programs and systems, Italian healthcare […]

Why You Should Explore the Ancient History of Mount Etna

History of Mount Etna

Located on the east coast of Sicily, Mount Etna looms high over the city of Catania and this active volcano (3,329m) is the largest in Europe. In fact, Mount Etna is in a constant state of activity and has even erupted on several occasions over the past five years. In terms of scale, Mount Etna […]

The 5 Ways to Become an Italian Citizen

Overview of Italian Passport in detail with benefits of Italian citizenship

There are a lot of people curious about whether or not they are eligible to become a citizen of Italy. Traditionally, the only way to become a citizen was to either be born in Italy or to be related or married to an Italian citizen. However, there are several more ways that one can pursue […]

How To Obtain Italian Citizenship by Residency

Acquire Italian citizenship by residency

There are 3 primary ways people can obtain Italian citizenship: By Descent, By Marriage, through Residency. The most common by far and typically the fastest method is by descent (jure sanguinis). However, if you do not qualify by descent and are not married to an Italian citizen, then apply by residency is a less often […]

5 Best Places to Live in Italy That You Should Actually Consider

Rome Italy number one city in Italy to live

Believe it or not, Italy is a rather affordable place to live and this is certainly true about some of the more remote or rural regions. More importantly, the best places to live in Italy are most often accompanied by sublime food, friendly faces and stunning scenery. What’s more, the weather in this part of […]

How to Schedule an Appointment at the Italian Consulate (Prenota)

Book an appoinment on Prenota for Italian citizenship

Click here to visit the UPDATED guide for booking an appointment at the Italian consulate with the new Prenota@mi booking system Prenota is an online platform that you can use to schedule an appointment with a member of the Italian consular network. The name comes from the Italian word “prenotare,” which basically means “to reserve.” […]

New Law Change Applying to Italian Citizenship by Marriage

New Law Change Applying to Italian Citizenship by Marriage

The Italian government passed a new decree-law regarding citizenship by marriage or jure matrimonii on October 21, 2020. It stipulates that the maximum processing time for becoming a citizen through marriage is 36 months or 3 years. It was only two years before, on October 4, 2018, that the government had issued the prior decree-law. […]

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